1) Is there anything you'd like
to share about yourself? (married, children, job, pets, etc.)
Well, I live near Bremen, that’s
in the northern part of Germany. Bremen is famous for its tale “The Musicians of Bremen”. I’m living
with my longtime partner and our bunny (Blacky) and a shell parakeet (Birdie) in a small village. I don’t have any kids
but I’m surrounded by them every day: I’m a teacher at a middle school.
2) How long have you been a
Starsky & Hutch fan?
Since the beginning!
What drew you to the show, then kept you coming back for more?
First I thought: Oh, just another
cop show. Then I realized that these characters acted in a way that impressed me. It was their friendship, expressed by glances,
little gestures and the devotion they showed for each other.
Over the years I watched the reruns and thought
that I was the only crazy woman on earth who loved these characters. Then I explored the internet and I read that Paul Michael
Glaser and David Soul were close friends on stage and off stage, too. I went on searching for more information - and I found
the Starsky and Hutch fandom and the fan fiction. The rest is history.
4) What is your favorite episode
and why?
That’s “Shootout”.
From the moment I watched this episode I was hooked on the show. I had never seen two men acting this way on TV before –
showing their emotions and caring for each other..
5) What is your least favorite
episode and why?
Bear And the Turkey”. Our guys weren’t much involved and I didn’t care for the plot either.
6) Do you have a favorite character
and, if so, why?
When I watched the show for the
first time I was a total Starsky fan. His boyish charme, his vulnerability and last but not least his looks.
Later I began to appreciate the
blond’s amenities: The White Knight behavior and despite the banter and teasing I acknowledged how he took care of his
partner. Did I mention his good looks, the lean tall body and the long legs?:-)
Now both characters are my favorites.
7) What do you think would have happened to S&H after 'Sweet Revenge'?
I think Starsky wouldn’t
be able to do the work he did before. They would pass their lieutenant’s exam and would have separate offices but work
together on special cases, having their own detectives.
8) When did you start writing fanfic? What was your first
story and what inspired you to write it?
It began in June 2005 when on one
list a round robin was started. I wrote my opinion telling them that that would be a great idea especially for new writers.
The next day they had put me on
the list as a writer! I was in a cold sweat. Then I decided to try my luck. I wrote my part for the round robin, barely slept
that night and was a bag of nerves when I pressed the “send” button. I got a lot of kind feedback and felt encouraged
to write my first story “Thirty Minutes”. It’s about Hutch waiting for Starsky but Starsky doesn’t
show up. I was inspired by my own experience waiting for my boyfriend who wanted to pick me up in the city, but he didn’t
come and I got more nervous with every passing minute. I was imagining already the worst. It didn’t make things easier
when I heard the sirens of an ambulance. After thirty minutes he arrived – not understanding at all why I felt so upset.
He had only stopped to talk to the owner of his local modelrailway shop and had forgotten about the time…
9) Do you have favorite S&H
writers and, if so, why?
There are so many dear and wonderful
writers at BCL that I’m afraid to forget one, so let me say it this way: My favorite writers are those who are able
to show in their stories the friendship, love and devotion between the two characters.
10) What types of stories or subject matters do you most like to write about?
I like to write about their daily
life. That includes of course a case they have to solve or there is a misunderstanding they have to deal with. I love them
to tease each other and playing jokes, but at the end I try to show that there is still that special bond between them.
Is there any particular type of story you find difficult to write?
I’m not fond of too twisted
plots. I’m always afraid to forget one important character (no, not Starsky or Hutch!) and at the end I have to rewrite
the entire story!:-)
12) What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing?
Readers told me I’m good
at writing dialogues and that I can write drama well. And what I said about extended complicated plots is really true…
13) How do you keep your muse
fresh and pushing forward on new stories? How do you come
up with new story ideas?
Meeting another writer can be so
prolific (Hi, Eli!), but that’s luxury. So I have my muse sitting next to me when I’m reading the newspaper. Maybe
there’s a case our guys can solve. Besides I’m a “challenge” writer. Give me a sentence or some words
and soon I feel I can do something with it.
14) Do you use beta readers and, if so, how have they helped improve your
Beta readers are very important
for my writing. I’m a second language writer and I need the correction of grammar and punctuation. Once I wrote a story
and was quite contented with it – till my beta reader pointed out that I had “rushed” through the scenes
without “fleshing them out”. It’s always better to have four eyes to check on a story. My beta readers have
helped me a lot and I hope I’m improving.
15) What one thing would you change about the show if you were given
the chance to rewrite an
“Starsky’s Lady”
should have been a two-parter, the same with the last episode “Sweet Revenge”.I missed the scene in “Starsky’s
Lady” when Starsky is meeting Hutch shortly after Terry’s death. . What would have been their reaction?
In “Sweet Revenge”
Hutch is acting very cool, there’s too little comfort in that episode and though people may act this way in real life,
I felt disappointed.
16) Do you think feedback is important in the writing process? Which of your stories have you
received the most positive feedback on?
I must admit that it was the positive
feedback that kept me on writing, especially in the beginning. It feels so good when readers like your stories and tell you
their opinion. I can’t remember though which story got the most positive feedback.
17) Is there a particular
story that you've written that you believe stands out above the others?
If so, which one and why?
I’m proud of my three longer
stories: “Piece Of Cake”, “Out Of The Blue” and “Forging Ahead”. I’s easier for
me to write short stories and it’s a real challenge for me to try my hands at a longer story.
18) What types of books and/or
writers do you like to read in your free time?
Oh, I’m a regular visitor
at the public library and choose the books that catch my eyes. But I like thrillers and adventure stories.
What shows are you currently
watching? Anything resembling S&H?
I’m sorry but there’s
nothing like Starsky and Hutch in these days. Therefore I prefer to read fanfiction or chat with my friends online.
20) Are you involved in any
other fandoms?
No, Starsky and Hutch is the only
fandom I’m involved in.
21) What types of fanfiction do you enjoy reading most?
There should be a little of hurt/comfort,
some humor – and a good plot that keeps me spellbound till the end.
22) Are you currently working on any new
stories? Would you like to tease us a little?
Yeah, I’m writing about a
challenge where one character is facing death and is writing a last letter…
I hope I can make my readers feel
with the characters and be with them till the end…
23) Any parting thoughts or advice you'd like to share?
Writing fanfiction can be a fulfilling
hobby and all those who love reading fan fiction and have an itch to write a story should be confident and try it! It’s worth the effort!